Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome Speech For 25th Wedding Anniversary I Have To Do A Welcome Speech For A Black History Program. How Should I Do It?

I have to do a welcome speech for a black history program. How should I do it? - welcome speech for 25th wedding anniversary

Where I speak is a very historic area that is steeped in history in African American!


newjdguy said...

Brothers and sisters, on the backs of our ancestors had for this great country were screaming that we have from the womb of the mother country, the nation's children. We have to overcome. The overcoming of slavery, oppression, injustice of segregation, disenfrachisement taxation without representation. We are the same. . .

To gather for this great city, which are now free to celebrate our victory. . .

Or something like that.

captmhun... said...

How about in "Black Face"

This is not intended as a derogatory comment ... were not allowed at a time when blacks act in public, targets appeared in "Black Face" follow suit. For me it was a crucial moment in American history

arzbarz said...

Talk about this place.

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