Friday, January 29, 2010

What Drives A Person To Become A Serial Killer What Drives A Person To Become A Serial Killer?

What drives a person to become a serial killer? - what drives a person to become a serial killer

There's nothing like a unique profile for serial killers. There is no reason that all cases they are and why they cover to kill. Scientists are studying the behavior of vaguely defined as murderers who kill for a period of time to three or more victims, from an inner impulse that compelled only in the liberation of the killing. While there are some truths about these murderers. The vast majority are white, male and at least average intelligence. They come from all social and economic. Brain injuries are common. Since children often bush fires, torture animals, and bedwetting. The red flags are as the "triad" of symptoms pass. Their age is usually between 20 and 40 years. In general, in two categories: they share psychopaths and psychotics.

Psychotic (a minority among the serial killers) are crazy. You hear voices or visions, or sometimes both, and the killing is a symptom of his madness. Most have a form of schizophrenia. Most serial killers but are not crazy. For every psychotic, there are about ninePsychopaths. Psychopaths (also known as sociopaths or suffer antisocial personality is not known) to mental illness, but a character flaw. They know right from wrong and know that killing is wrong. They cater not only not. Psychopaths lack a key element of the human personality that most people take for granted: the conscience. Either they have no conscience, or his conscience is too weak to violence to suppress require them to be. Psychopaths kill without guilt or remorse.

No one knows with certainty what creates a psychopathic murderer. Some theories about stress gene, an inherited predisposition to kill. Others prefer a declaration of environmental factors in the education of a man is a murderer. Many experts believe that the truth is a combination of both.


Joe Finkle said...

There are many different mental disorders that can lead to a serial killer. Many of them are narcissistic fantasies and delusions of grandeur. Some are sociopaths, and the empathy and everyone thinks nothing of a life as a challenge is missing. Others have sado-sexual fantasies that give rise to the level of uncontrollable addiction, often caused by the events from his past. There is an answer, and he alone could not give an understanding of certain books and television programs on this subject, a full explanation of the different reactions.

Joe Finkle said...

There are many different mental disorders that can lead to a serial killer. Many of them are narcissistic fantasies and delusions of grandeur. Some are sociopaths, and the empathy and everyone thinks nothing of a life as a challenge is missing. Others have sado-sexual fantasies that give rise to the level of uncontrollable addiction, often caused by the events from his past. There is an answer, and he alone could not give an understanding of certain books and television programs on this subject, a full explanation of the different reactions.

Natasha B(blocked by cowards) said...

His obsession with his sick fantasies.
Again and again, until they act.

ONAN DJA said...

A large quantity of untreated mental illness.

Michaelf... said...

The police.

The Amp Man said...

Simple .... sin

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